Wednesday, August 11, 2010

created to bless, create

"doing crafts" around our house seems to be a daily event. Everly gets so excited when she sees the craft cupboard open, or glitter paint, scissors, and so on laying about! if you would have asked my mom 20 years ago what I liked to do best, she too probably would have said making crafts. i guess it runs in the family.

my mom and dad were both artistic people. i suppose they still use their artistic talents in different ways. my dad is obsessed with taking pictures. obsessed. my mom still knows how to put the special touches on things. one of my fondest memories of a gift she gave me (and my sisters) was a Valentine's mobile she made. it was so simple-3 hearts cut out of pink and red construction paper, stickers or magazine cut-outs of flowers and hearts, glitter, and a personal message. it really touched me as a child because i knew we didn't have much money and that my mom wanted us to have something special. i also remember my dad making a mask out of paper mache and then painting it. i don't know if it was intended for halloween or if it just ended up being used for it, but i do remember the joy that projects like this and others gave him. there's something so great about creating something with your own hands.

speaking of halloween, i love it. i know, i know-i'm a christian so that's faux-pas in some minds. but i love the creativity that is wrapped up in it. as children, we always made our costumes, or put them together. last year, my mom shipped a tinkerbell costume to me for Everly; I was sad, yet relieved since I was due to have Nora days before. still, the idea of going to the store and buying a costume is so foreign to me. i've contemplated this before: sometimes i am overwhelmed and a homemade gift or what-be-it just seems more of a hassle and more chaos and mess in my life. and yet, i will go back to this way over and over because i believe that it is in my genes and to not create would be to deny who i am.

So.... i had this idea to start a blog to journal the things that we create around here. i thought it would be fun to do with Everly, and eventually Nora. and the voice in my head (the holy spirit... and continuous reminders from matt woodward!) reminds me that my talents are for a higher purpose, to bring glory to God and to bless others. so as we create, craft, bake, dance, i pray we will bless you in some way. and, i pray i will always bless my daughters, husband, and others through the ability God has given me to be creative, made in His image. i just love Him so.